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Green Clay SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2000 White Hall
Historic Site Sorry its taken so long for me to post the info. Web problems and work constraints. Above and in the attachments directly below is the info I have on the reunion. Plan to make hope to see and meet you all there!!! Email me your questions, or call White Hall and let them know you are coming. God Bless,
Details are still being fleshed out...Will post more soon. The Cassius Clay Foundation 500 White Hall Shrine Road Richmond, Kentucky 40475 (606) 623-9178 February 1, 2000 Dear Clay Family Member: White Hall State Historic Site has had a very productive year; from our busy season which concluded with a highly success~l Ghostwalk, to our annual Victorian Christmas Tours. The time is drawing closer to an event that the staff at White Hall are all looking forward to, the second Clay Family Reunion. For those who came to the last reunion, you will find the mansion somewhat changed. In the fall and winter of 1999 White Hall had central heating and air.conditioning installed. This was a most welcome change from the chilly temperatures in winter, and extreme heat in summer that the home and its antiques were subject to. Now there are climate control sYstems in nearly every room masquerading as wardrobes. In addition to more stable temperatures in the museum, much of White Hall has been repainted. Most of the first and second floors are now a deep burgundy hue. In a continuing effort, the windows are being repaired and ultra-violet protection installed, and the maintenance as well as myself have worked on stripping the floors back to their original grain. The outside of White Hall is also going to be worked on. In a few months a project will begin for repairing and restoring our roof. Not only has the mansion itself changed, but also we have had the privilege of restoring current pieces on display and obtaining original pieces back to the home through the generosity of many Clay family members. Ms. Sally Witt donated the funds for us to be able to clean and restore our portrait and its frame of Laura Clay, located in Laura's room. The painting is now brighter and easier to see. Mr. James E. Clay donated two original knives t6 the home, they are being displayed on the third floor. Guests are always wanting to know what Cassius' knives looked like, now the tour guides are able to show them. Mr. George E. Haw Jr. donated two lovely cameos of Czar Alexander II and the Czarina, which we have on display in the Drawing room. Mr. Haw also donated portraits of Alexander III and Princess Dagmar, on display in the front hallway, as well as a presentation letter for the two portraits. Mrs. Anne Warfield Truesdale donated various family letters and photos for our archives. In addition, we also received some glass tumblers and a silver fish platter, as well as an exquisite needlepoint rug. These artifacts are located in the Dining room and Drawing room, respectively. The above mentioned are only a few of the wonderful accomplishments made possible because of the Clay Family. We sincerely thank you. White Hall has also had a great deal of help from the Cassius Clay Foundation. The nonprofit organization has helped to promote the park to the public, and has also donated their time and money for various projects relating to White Hall. This year the foundation is putting forth the funds in order for us to wallpaper the master bedroom. The Cassius Clay Foundation will also be sponsoring your reunion. I was pleased to get so many of the surveys that were sent out back. By majority rule, Saturday, July 22, 2000 will be the day set for your reunion. A fascinating fact about this day is that it is the anniversary of Cassius Marcellus Clay's death 97 years ago. The reunion will last from 9:00 AM until 5:30 PM, at which time the park closes. Many members of the family stated tliat this year they would like more time to engage in fellowship with each other. With that in mind, I am planning for only two presentations by speakers this year. In addition we will also have a theatrical performance pertaining to the Clay family. A dinner will not be served this year, however we will have a yender on the park grounds who will be serving Kentucky foods. If this is not to your liking, feel free to bring a picnic lunch, as our grounds are beautiful. In addition to this, there are also several restaurants nearby. I am looking into trying to get special rates with nearby hotels, as many of you said that you would be staying overnight. I am still working on all aspects involving your reunion. I will be sure to keep you informed of my progress up to the reunion day. On a final note, I am sure that many of you are wondering what happened to Nancy Allen. She accepted the curator position at the new UK Basketball Museum in Lexington, KY. Since then she has moved up to director of the museum. We are all proud of her accomplishments. It is with honor that I succeed her at White Hall as curator. I have been involved with White Hall since 1994. I began working at the museum as a tour guide and have grown to love White Hall and its history very much. Each day I work here I find out some new fascinating fact about the home, the history, or the family. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate in writing or calling me at the above address and phone number. I am here to serve you. Together we can make this reunion a success! I look forward to meeting all of you. Sincerely, Lashe Mullins 2000 Family Reunion Points Of Contact
Note - Webring is come on in and join!!! Clay
Who am I? I'm the 3rd Great Grandson of Cassius Marcellus Clay.
Why the interest in the name? My mother, Sallie Clay, and her mother, Virginia (married Watson Clay), have managed to keep extensive records of the family name and its history. As a direct descendent, many of the family records have fallen down into my hands, and now reside in my huge fireproof safe.
We've traced the family tree back iron clad to the late 1500's/early 1600's, but thats where our (and all the clay tree information I've seen gets fuzzy). I'm interested in building a tree not just of Cassius Clay descendents, but all the way back to Sir John Clay, who was knighted at Tewksbury.
If you have files (.GED format), pictures, or stories related to the Clay surname (from Sir John Clay in England/Wales, to the original Clay's of Virginia, to the Kentucky Clay's, to our relatives in England and Wales, etc.) let me have it :-)
This page is set up initially to take advantage of the Clay (Cassius) family reunions and the other hosts of information out there. But it will remain after that, and as I mention, I hope that someday, this becomes the 'family bible' for the Clay surname related to 'Sir' John Clay (which is a significant number of the Clay's in America...)
If your files are larger than a meg, please email me a note in advance and I'll give you an alternate email that has better lines for me to receive the files. (I use tFamily Tree Maker if you have the files in that format...)
Clay Thompson
All photo's are copyrighted by their owners
Web design by Clay & Thompson, Assoc.
Background courtesy of Windy's Web Design